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The Visitors

Currently published in Germany/Norway/Hungary

The Visitors

Following her father's disappearance, Liv Molyneaux moves into the house on Christmas Steps in Bristol where he lived and worked, hoping to find clues to his whereabouts. Mourning the loss of a stillborn baby, Liv is already in a fragile state when her nights begin to be plagued by strange sounds, and feelings that don't feel like her own. Whispering voices, the crying of a newborn child, and the compusive urge to search... When a mysterious homeless man turns up on the doorstep, demanding to be let in, Liv begins to sense the uneasy history of the house where her father lived, and to uncover clues about what might have happened to him there, and what he did in the days before he vanished. Is she losing her grip on reality, or is the reality something far stranger, and far older, than she could ever have imagined?

Could the answers lie two centuries ago, where the rivalry between two sisters leads one to commit an appalling crime in the name of ambition? And to go to extraordinary lengths to cover up that crime throughout her life? Acts of such outrage and power that they will send ripples down the years...

Moving between the present day and Bristol's dark, bustling Georgian past - where the enslavement of African people was still a means to generate wealth - 'The Visitors' is a book about justice and the dangers of ambition, about finding peace with loss, and about all the many different ways in which a person can be haunted.


Liv Molyneaux ist gerade in das alte Haus ihres Vaters in Bristol gezogen. Er ist verschwunden und Liv glaubt nicht an die Theorie der Polizei, dass er Selbstmord begangen hat. Sie hofft, zwischen Martins Sachen in der Wohnung und der Buchbinderwerkstatt einen Hinweis zu finden. Neben der Trauer um ihr totgeborenes Kind wird Liv nachts immer wieder von seltsamen Geräuschen und dem Weinen eines Babys geweckt. Ist das alles Einbildung, oder steckt mehr dahinter?

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The Visitors


The Visitors


The Visitors

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